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BAMMA is the cryptocurrency for MMA fans

This is the current issuers base supply rate. Generally much lower than the purchase price on a listing exchange to be an incentive for helping us convert unissued BAMMA supply from the founding repository onto the blockchain. We provide BAMMA to you on a listing exchange because of your contribution made here on We may also provide BAMMA when you purchase one of our products or a ticket to our events. The cryptocurrency BAMMA is listed and traded on several decentralized exchanges worldwide. It was developed and is powered by a shareholder of the premier European MMA promotion, The British Association of Mixed Martial Arts, BAMMA LTD.

There is a maximum total supply that limits the quantity and availability of BAMMA. When you contribute online the founding repository converts unissued to issued BAMMA which increases the overall total supply on the exchanges. When newly issued supply increases, the limited availability of unissued BAMMA decreases. Your charitable contribution here helps increase supply and reserves you a piece of BAMMA on the blockchain.

Due to us increasing the amount of BAMMA you may receive here compared to the purchase price on an exchange, we request new issue be held for 90 days unless there is a significant increase in value due to high demand on the exchanges. That also may timely help fulfill open interest and provide liquidity. If you are a cryptocurrency trader planning to buy, sell or trade BAMMA in the short term then please purchase on an approved decentralized exchange. 

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